Creating a mini product Review Site

creating a mini review site

Many people will wonder what mini product review sites actually are. Mini product review sites are small, highly targeted sites that only exist to promote one product or product type. For example, you can think of sites that only promote luxury cars or sites that only deal with dating sites. These sites usually don't span more than 10 to 20 pages and consist of a product review, a comparison table and a few other supporting content, referencing back to the main page.

Ranking, online search engine and keyword research

The mini product review sites can be put together quickly and easily, but is limited in terms of growth, traffic and income. It is not difficult to rank in Google with a site like this as long as you provide enough value to the searching user for Google. So when you start to rank, your work isn’t over yet. Keep adding new content and find valuable sites that would like to link to you.

Advantages of mini product review sites

Of course, a mini product review site also brings other advantages, besides the easy way you can rank. For example, you don't have to spend a lot of time putting the site together. The site does not need to be updated as often as a blog, but adding new content will help you a lot in maintaining your rank. You focus on specific keywords to win customers in the "buy mode", so that you do not have to build trust and a relationship for as long.

Cons Mini product review site

The disadvantage of these sites is that it limits you in size, when the site gets off the ground it is difficult to expand because it is based on one product. Traffic is often only available through search engines and not from other sources, so if Google doesn't rank you or the rankings drop, your business will be out of business. If you also sell goods and / or services, you often have to deal with a one-time sale, because once the customer buys, they are gone forever and you never have to go back to your site. Even though your goal is to generate maximum commissions, make sure you also provide maximum value to your end user.

How can I put together my own mini review site?

While these sites are very easy to start and maintain than a larger authority review site, it is not always easy to make money quickly.  Most niche marketers link anywhere for up to six months before appearing on stable rankings and monetizing them. You will also need to find keywords for buyers with high volume and low SEO competition that you are sure to rank. Then start building your site by reviewing good quality content and comparing the product.

It can take up to six months for your site to rank in the online rankings, so be patient and don't be too aggressive with your link building due to lack of progress. But the best thing is you can start out with a couple of them. Will they all be successful? Probably not, but if you put a little effort and time in it, the conversion will be great and you will earn a decent amount of money, with just a little bit of effort. 

What do you need to get started?

First of all you need to buy a reliable hosting site so that your site does not go down at critical moments. It is best to choose a domain name that fits the product you are promoting, but avoid using trademarks and choose something that is not too restrictive and that sounds like a brand.

Also choose a simple theme

The content should of course include the most important keywords, but make sure it is written for your visitors and not just search engines.

Good on-page SEO 

You want to use everything in your power to get a fast, well structured review site, that meets with Googles demands. In the end they will be your main source of traffic, so you just simply have work according to their rules. When a mini review site is script heavy with all kinds of plugins or features you don't use, it will be slow. This will have a negative impact on your ranking.

All in one solution

With ReviewTycoon we offer an all in one solution. You will get reliable hosting, an SEO optimized framework and you can set up a new review site in just a couple of minutes. You will get fast, easy to maintain lightweight review sites and the best thing is, is that you can scale!

Both, mini sites as larger sites have positive as negative sides 

Larger sites typically have more room for expansion and growth than the smaller sites, but that's not to say that smaller sites cannot be expanded if built correctly. So if you're initially going to a mini-site, try to avoid a domain that restricts you too much, or it will be too specific.

Come up with interesting catchy names for your mini site

Smaller sites also tend to be limited in where to get the traffic and only get it from the search engines. A good thing about this is, is that your traffic will be free of costs and of high quality, which will lead to greater conversion. It is not difficult to market such an ultra-niche site that focuses around just one product review as long as you know which product or service you want to start with. Find your competition and look how strong they are. There are plenty of great niches that have not been filled yet and the less competition, the bigger the chance of success. 

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