What kind of content should my review site have?

10 december 2020

Most people have heard of a review website or even visited it in their search for information about a product or service. Some people manage such a site themselves or have just started putting together a review site. The key question, however, is what a review site should be about. How do you ensure that your review site not only remains interesting, but also ends up high in the overviews of the various search engines. We will discuss this in more detail in this article. Choose a theme, product and / or service First of all, it is wise to check for yourself what the content of your rev ...

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Some new things after good talk with an early beta tester

24 augustus 2018

My cousin Joost and his associate visited me this morning to discuss their findings in beta testing ReviewTycoon last week.

We had a good talk, I learned a lot and made a great list with improvements which I will start working on today.

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Changed name to ReviewTycoon

17 augustus 2018

Great news! Today we finally managed to acquire a .com domain we think fits best to this product: ReviewTycoon.com Review123.org was a domain we had lying around an we used it as a temporary name until we found something more fitting. We're glad we found something that's brandable and affordable. Let us know what you think about the new name! ...

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What should we implement in the MVP of Review123?

11 mei 2018

We're currently working on the MVP (Minimal Viable Product) of Review123. We want to make sure that all features that are necessary to use the software will be included when we launch (June 26th 2018). Remember the wise words of https://37signals.com/: Make a kick-ass half, not a half-assed whole. Right now we have the following list of features which should be included in the MVP version: [x]Adding domains (CloudFlare API, DirectAdmin API)[x]Edit Domain[x]Search domain[x]adding categories[x]delete categories[x]edit categorie[x]Adding websites[x]Edit Website[x]Search Websites[ ]Approve/ ...

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Welcome to Review123

27 maart 2018

We're finally starting to blog for our great project: Review123 We will keep you posted on progress we're making and provide you with hopefully interesting articles about running reviewsites as part of your business. Hope you will like it :) ...

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